Saturday, May 23, 2015

Today has been hard.  I'm a mom of 2 kids and I'm familiar with the standard judgement from other parents.  You know, the judgmental looks from moms in the Target parking lot when I scream because my child keeps wondering into traffic.  Or the judgmental comments from family members when I chose to homeschool my son.  What I can't seem to get past is my bipolar disorder being used as a means to judge my ability to parent.  And worse the insinuation that I'm less caring because I have mood issues.  Do I yell? Yes, most parents do.  Do I get angry?  Yes.  In fact sometimes my anger gets away from me and I have "outbursts" as family refers to them.  My kids know I love them more than anything.  I'm positive that they know I would do anything and everything to protect them from the evils in this world.  I would without hesitation die or worse, live for them.  Like I said it's been a BAD day.  I've, for a second, thought about dying.  At the end of the day I live for my kids.  The reality is I could easily swallow all my prescriptions and end the pain and sadness I feel everyday.  But I choose life because I am a mom.